أخبار عاجلة
دوا ليبا في لبنان.. هكذا رقصت مع الأطفال – بالصور والفيديو

دوا ليبا في لبنان.. هكذا رقصت مع الأطفال – بالصور والفيديو

متابعة بتجـــــــــــرد: شاركت المغنية البريطانية، دوا ليبا، تفاصيل زيارتها الى لبنان التي استمرّت ثلاثة أيام مع متابعيها عبر حسابها الرسمي على انستغرام.

فقد تعاونت المغنية العالمية مع منظّمة اليونيسف وزارت الأطفال في مخيمات اللاجئين السوريين في البقاع بلبنان.

وبمنشور عبر انستغرام وصفت دوا ليبا الزيارة بأنها تجربة فتحت عينها، متحدثةً عن الأوضاع الصعبة التي يعيشها الأطفال في المخيمات وإصرارهم مع ذلك على قهر الظروف.

وكان ملفتاً نشرها فيديو وهي ترقص مع الأطفال والأمهات في احدى المخيمات على وقع الموسيقى العربية.

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I’ve had the most eye opening experience being out in Lebanon for the past 3 days working with @unicef meeting children at the refugee settlements and youth training and skill building programs. I particularly want to speak up for refugees as I feel I have a personal connection to seeing people adapt to any circumstance they were put in because of conflict. No family or child chooses to leave their home. They all have dreams. They all deserve equality and a place to be able to live, learn and reach their full potential. I always believe in children as they are our future and we have to take care of them. It was a heartbreaking and emotional yet hopeful experience after seeing these kids still laugh and smile and make the most of a bad situation. I have experienced all first hand the activities and opportunities UNICEF give to young people who have been left without a home because of the war in Syria and it’s nice to see that these children have a community where they feel safe and protected. @unicef #AChildIsAChild

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I’ve had the most eye opening experience being out in Lebanon for the past 3 days working with @unicef meeting children at the refugee settlements and youth training and skill building programs. I particularly want to speak up for refugees as I feel I have a personal connection to seeing people adapt to any circumstance they were put in because of conflict. No family or child chooses to leave their home. They all have dreams. They all deserve equality and a place to be able to live, learn and reach their full potential. I always believe in children as they are our future and we have to take care of them. It was a heartbreaking and emotional yet hopeful experience after seeing these kids still laugh and smile and make the most of a bad situation. I have experienced all first hand the activities and opportunities UNICEF give to young people who have been left without a home because of the war in Syria and it’s nice to see that these children have a community where they feel safe and protected. @unicef #AChildIsAChild

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I’ve had the most eye opening experience being out in Lebanon for the past 3 days working with @unicef meeting children at the refugee settlements and youth training and skill building programs. I particularly want to speak up for refugees as I feel I have a personal connection to seeing people adapt to any circumstance they were put in because of conflict. No family or child chooses to leave their home. They all have dreams. They all deserve equality and a place to be able to live, learn and reach their full potential. I always believe in children as they are our future and we have to take care of them. It was a heartbreaking and emotional yet hopeful experience after seeing these kids still laugh and smile and make the most of a bad situation. I have experienced all first hand the activities and opportunities UNICEF give to young people who have been left without a home because of the war in Syria and it’s nice to see that these children have a community where they feel safe and protected. @unicef #AChildIsAChild

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