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جيجي حديد بالحجاب في مبادرة إنسانية فريدة – بالصور

جيجي حديد بالحجاب في مبادرة إنسانية فريدة – بالصور

متابعة بتجــــــــــــــــرد: زارت عارضة الأزياء الأمريكية من أصول فلسطينية، جيجي حديد، أحد مخيمات اللاجئين في بنغلادش، ضمن إطار عملها مع منظمة الأمم المتحدة للطفولة “يونيسيف”.

وكشفت جيجي أنها تستغل وقتها للمشاركة مع منظمة “اليونيسيف” في تلبية حاجات النساء والأطفال في بنغلادش المستفدين من برامج المنظمة الخيرية.

هذا وشاركت جيجي حديد، الجمهور ومحبّيها عبر صفحاتها الرسمية على مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي بعدة صور لرحلتها الإنسانية ظهرت فيها بالحجاب، وكشفت أنها زارت مخيم جامتولي للاجئين في كوكس بازار في بنغلادش، حيث التقت بأطفال اللاجئين من الروهينجا المسلمين.

وبتعليقها على الصور كتبت عارضة الأزياء الأمريكية البالغة من العمر 23 عامًا: “تحدثنا عن قصصهم والمصاعب التي يواجهونها، وما يستفيدون منه حاليا في مخيمات الاجئين وما يحتاجون إليه ويأملون إليه في المستقبل”.

الجدير ذكره أن جيجي حديد تعتبر من أشهر عارضات الأزياء في العالم وتشغل أخبارها الصحافة العالمية بشكل يومي.

Jamtoli Refugee Camp, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Population: 45,470 (as of 21 Jun 2018). Across all the camps, 1.3 million people currently require humanitarian assistance, more than half of them are children. From January-July of 2018, UNICEF has enrolled 91,929 refugee children in emergency non-formal education, trained 2,762 teachers to support improved learning for refugee children, provided 146,670 refugee and host community children with psychosocial activities and/or Gender-Based Violence services, & have reached over 900 thousand people with oral cholera vaccines, primary healthcare services in UNICEF-supported facilities, and with the Penta 3 vaccine, protecting against life-threatening illnesses such as diphtheria and pertussis. Link in my bio to learn more 🇧🇩 @unicefusa @unicefbangladesh #CHILDRENUPROOTED

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This morning we visited the @UNICEF Child Friendly Space in Camp 9 of the Kutupalong Balukhali Refugee Camp, which sole purpose is to let kids be kids !!! 🙏💫 As well as psychosocial work to help them get through trauma through activities like art, they also can play sports, learn music, and learn to read & draw (some for the first time in their lives). Separate from educational spaces, the importance of these spaces is huge due to the fact that refugee children can spend a majority of the day working, usually collecting fire wood from miles away so their families can cook, taking care of siblings, helping around the house, etc., and here they can just focus on having fun! ☺️ Kutupalong Balukhali Population: 626,500. This is the “MegaCamp,” it has 23 of the 32 camps within it. Link in my bio to learn more 🇧🇩 @unicefusa @unicefbangladesh

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Today we also visited a @UNICEF Learning Center in the Shamlapur Refugee Camp, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh (Camp Population: 13,050). This is the 7-10 year old class, they are one class of 3 daily shifts (there is also a 4-6 y/o class and a 11-14 y/o class). Here they learn Burmese and English, Mathematics, and Life Skills (exercise, breathing, and self-hygiene), as well as given psychosocial support where they can openly discuss how they are doing emotionally. Their English teacher is a local lady from the host-community in Cox’s Bazar, and their Burmese teacher is a Rohingya refugee, both whom have been recently trained using an Emergency Curriculum developed for this crisis. @unicefbangladesh @unicefusa 📚✏️ #childrenuprooted

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